Eastwest hollywood choirs free download

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The phrases have been optimized for each Choir.

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Many choirs sing in Latin so this is a real time saver for those on a tight deadline. This included software runs on both MAC and PC, and includes a pop-down menu (under the 'tools' menu) that includes 28 popular Latin phrases that you can load instantly. WordBuilder is the word building software that enables Symphonic Choirs users to type in words for the Choirs to sing. The Choirs were recorded in the same concert hall, by the same team as the EastWest/Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra and blend perfectly with EWQLSO. In addition, this is the first 24-bit Choir virtual instrument to include three simultaneous stereo mic setups (close, stage and hall), so users can mix any combination of mic positions to control ambience.

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Imagine typing words into your computer, in any language, and hearing a world class Symphonic Choir sing those words in any key(s) you play 'live' on your keyboard controller! Well imagine no more, that`s exactly what this revolutionary 'award-winning' virtual instrument does. Older release | AI, CoBaLT, DELiRiUM | PC, MAC | 9 DVD

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